Toddler Room (19 to 36 Months)

Welcome to our Toddler Room, where we focus on building the foundational skills essential for toddlers physical and emotional development.

Younger Toddler Room Image

The toddler room focuses on teaching skills essential for toddlers' physical development. Our goal is to help toddlers build and sharpen their gross motor skills as they progress from infancy to toddlerhood.

We believe this stage is critical for building self-confidence, so we prioritize fostering a sense of discovery, supporting active learning, encouraging exploration, and creating secure connections.

In our toddler room, we focus on promoting a sense of autonomy in each child. Our caregivers provide a nurturing environment where toddlers can express themselves freely. We prioritize activities that enhance their social skills, such as cooperative play and group interaction. Through guidance and support, we help toddlers develop the confidence to navigate their surroundings and interact positively with their peers

Caregivers give children freedom to choose where they play and what they do, promoting independence and fostering their emerging identities. We focus on helping children gain independence in self-help skills such as feeding, dressing, and communicating their needs.