Full-Time Tuition Costs

Here at Kids Space Daycare & OSC, we are dedicated to providing quality care and education for your child. Our tuition rates reflect the comprehensive services and nurturing environment we offer to support your child's growth and development.

Full-Time Tuition Costs

Age Group Tuition Affordability Grant Parent Portion
Infant (0-18 months) $1500.00 $883.00 $617.00
Toddler (19-35 months) $1400.00 $709.00 $691.00
Preschool (3 years to attending Kindergarten) $1300.00 $626.00 $674.00
Kindergarten $1200.00 $626.00 (1/2 day) $574.00
Out-of-School Care (school year) $700.00 n/a $700.00
Out-of-School Care (July and August) $890.00 n/a $890.00

**Child Care Subsidy is the responsibility of the parent. Those amounts would come off the parent portion noted.

**Food costs are an extra fee per child with the Food Program. Families can choose to opt out of the Food Program by providing their own food from home. Food from home must be nutritious and balanced. The Food Program includes 2 snacks and lunch each day. Fees are as follows: Infants and Toddlers: $50/month Preschool and Kindergarten: $50/month Out-of-School Care: $50/month during school year, $60/month July and August

**Registration fees are $175 and are non-refundable. Payable by e-transfer or cash. info@kidsspacedaycare.ca

**Fees will be withdrawn via auto-deposit. Auto deposit form must be provided to centre director prior to your child's first day.

**Late fees of $10/day will be due for any payments made after the first of the month.

**Fees are subject to change.